Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hearing God Speak

Today I want to talk to you about hearing God's voice. So many people talk about how they never hear from God. He doesn't talk to them. I want to share that God is speaking we just don't listen. My devotion today was from Joyce Meyer and it really spoke to me. Let me share part of it with you.

The scripture I will be using is Isaiah 63:1, 'It is I (the One) Who speaks in righteousness. In this verse God declares He speaks, and when He does He speaks in righteousness. We can always depend on what He says to be right. God speaks in many ways; His Word, nature, people, circumstances, peace, wisdom, supernatural intervention, dreams, visions, and what some call the still small voice. (inner witness)

God does speak through your conscience, through your desires, and in an audible voice. Just remember He does speak and what He says always agree with his written Word. What about you? Does God speak to you? Are you listening or just saying give me, give me. How does God speak to you? I would love to head your comments.

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