Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, February 11, 2013

Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson

My book review today is Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson. Dee Henderson is my favorite author and I was thrilled when I heard Dee was  releasing a new book. It had been such a long time. I bought a copy for my daughter for Christmas. (She loves Dee's books too) So now I had to wait for her to finish the book before I could read. Unfortunately she is very busy so it has taken forever for her to finish it. I loved this book. It is different than a lot of her books, they aren't running for their lives, there aren't a bunch of explosions, and not any death threats. It is a beautiful book and an excellent read.

Paul Falcon is the top FBI murder cop.One day a Midwest Homicide Investigator, Ann Silver bring him a case and drops it in his lap. Ann tells Paul a story about what she had found, a car accident, a dead body, and two old pocket day planners that were over a decade old. She tells him what the man had done for the day before but there was no identity to the man. The day planners were in code and once Ann broke the code the investigation led to cold cases Paul was working on, a woman shooter who had killed thirty people, this man was a middle man to hiring the shooter. This could be the break they needed to find the shooter.

Paul was intrigued by Ann Silver. He started asking around about this woman. Everything he finds out about her only intrigues him more. He is amazed at how many of his friends are apart of Ann's life. He discovers she is a writer and has written books about some of his best friends and even his brother. He decides to pursue Ann.

Ann is a solitary woman. She has gone through a horrific trauma and has no desire to be in a relationship. Paul is a wonderful man but she has no plans to marry. Paul doesn't give her a choice as he slowly and quietly invades her life. Ann is drawn into his investigation and into his life.

For Ann it's a journey into her past and the trauma she had endured. For Paul it's a journey to love and cherish an incredible woman, his only desire is to care for and protect Ann. It is a story of great love and faith. It has all the normal twist and turns of Dee's books and I loved every minute of it. I especially loved Ann's relationship with God. I know this book has already changed some of my thoughts toward the Holy Spirit. I recommend this book and hope you will read it. You can learn more about it on

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