Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Friday, September 30, 2011

My First Book

Several years ago God spoke to me in the middle of the night. He told me to write a book. I told Him I didn't know how to do that. He told me to write a book. That was all He told me. I was sure it was from satan himself
I had tried to write as a teen and had been stumped after the second chapter. I had once written my testimony for I do have an awesome testimony. I had a friend edit the book but I didn't know what to do with it after that. I thought maybe I just wrote the  book for her. I carried it around for years but eventually I lost it. It didn't really matter no one wanted to hear it any way. It makes a difference if you become someone special but that wasn't me. I had a great testimony but it never seemed to be complete. God had saved me from terrible circumstance but I was still divorced, I still had four children that had to be raised, I still work three jobs at times, I still lived in poverty, and no one wanted to hear about the wonderful God I served especially my own family.

You see no one could see the wonderful things God was doing in my life. I was at the end of my rope when God saved me. My youngest daughter was dieing and I had no hope. God saved my daughter and through a prophet told me that my family would be saved by that tiny little baby. God is good and that came to pass but the changes in my life were in my heart and not visible to the people around me.

My daughter and I went garage saleing one day. (I live with my oldest daughter and had shared with her how I felt God wanted me to write a book and she didn't even laugh). I found a box of books at the last garage sale we went to that day. The top book was about writing a novel.  My daughter did laugh at that one. All I had with me was a quarter so I told her that would be the test if it was really from God. I asked the lady how much the book was. She told me I could just have the whole box. She just wanted to get rid of them. The whole box was about writing. God does have a sense of humor. Doesn't He?

I told God I would try. I could write some light little fluff piece, something humorous right? My first book is titled 'Out of The Shadows' it is about my testimony although I did give my  heroine a happy ending and not four little kids to raise alone. I can assure you there is no fluff to it. I now write Suspense/Romance and I love every minute of it. It was not my plan but it was so much greater than I ever dreamed.

I have said it before and I will no doubt say it in all of my blogs; God is good and His mercy endures forever.
I feel honored to be used by God and I love to tell the stories that He gives me. I feel anointed to do His will and will continue to write whether I ever get published.

Do you feel that intensity to write? Is it deep down in your bones? Do you have to write?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Harvest time

Yesterday I had to make a quick trip across the state to pick up a family member.  It was an unexpected trip and it was wonderful.  It is harvest time in Nebraska and it is beautiful. Harvest time is so full of colors and smells. I wouldn't trade this place for anything. I know a lot of people want to move down south to retire but I have retired and I love it here. I love the change of the season so much like our lives.  There have been a lot of books, stories, and movies about the seasons of our lives. If there are seasons, I would imagine I would be in the Autumn of my life. I plan to live until I'm 120 so maybe I am still in the Summer.

Yesterday God was dealing with me on It's Harvest Time. Jesus said, "The harvest truly is plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." In John He said "Behold, I say to you , lift up your eyes and look at the fields for they are already white unto harvest." The books I write all carry the plan of salvation. I know a lot of people believe that it is not necessary to come right out and write the sinners prayer but I don't do subtle well. My writing is my ministry and I don't want anyone to read my books and miss it. I pray that everyone who reads my books will be touched by them and never be the same.  Many would believe I am some kind of a fanatic but I love the Lord and believe God has all the answers.  He loved me so much He sent His Son to die or me. He gave me a Great Commission, to go out into the world to preach the gospel to every creature. My job is to save souls I will be accountable for the people that read my books and I don't want the blood of one of them on my hands. So maybe I am a little bit of a fanatic, I just wants us all to know Jesus and the power of his resurrection. He has done so much for me, God is so good how could anyone not love him.

Harvest time also means time to receive the harvest for the seeds sown. I am a giver. I live to give and I love to give to those in need the most because of this strange need to give I will reap a harvest for each seed I sow.  Many times I have given my last penny to some one in need. (mostly to missions) God is so good that He blesses me with a harvest for each seed I sow. How could I not love and serve a God like that. Harvest time is truly the best time of the year. I hope you are blessed by what I write because I pray over what I write on this blog too.  God Loves You!

What do you think about putting the prayer of salvation in your books?  Am I the only one who feels this burning desire?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dare to Dream

This last week or so has been a rough time for me. I am now up and around and feeling much better.  I didn't realize that while I was busy trying to fight all the attacks that had surrounded me, that I was losing ground in my battle. Sunday our pastor spoke on daring to dream. I had heard this sermon before and it had touched me but yesterday it really spoke to me.
It is so easy to lose your way when you go to book stores and see all the new books that have just come out. I get a catalog of all the new fiction out this month and it is easy to say this can never happen to me. I have written all these books and no one even wants to read them. I just don't know where to go from here.
Yesterday I realized that whether anyone reads my books or not I have been obedient to God.  He put this burning in my heart and until the fire is extinguished I have to go on.  What would you do for God if you knew you couldn't fail?  We only see the negative, so often we can't see the possibility. We need to see the possibilities, identify them, shut the door and dream your dream.
Everyone has told me I need to go to a conference to find an agent or publisher. It is impossible to get published without one or the other but there is a next step and I know that God will show me exactly what He wants me to do because He put that dream in my heart and nothing is impossible for him. Writing was never my idea.
 I know it was a God dream because I would never be able to do the writing and publishing on my own. The dream is to big to be me.  I will treat my dream as I treat God for He is the one to give it to me. I expect God to anoint me to fulfill this dream, I know I have everything I need has already been placed in my heart and I now expect God to show up and fulfill my dream.

Do you have a burning dream deep in your soul?  Is your dream to big to be yours?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


My post today is about timing.  God's timing is so much different than mine.  I have spent years trying to figure it out how and I am now closer to understanding than I was years ago. I do know that God wants to be involved in my day to day walk.  I have found that nothing is more important than having a real relationship with Almighty God.

I have been divorced forever. I don't date and haven't for over 35 years. Years ago I took God as my husband. Isaiah 54:4 'For thy Maker is thy husband, the Lord of Host is His name; my Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth'  This was the scriptures I have stood on for all of these years. This summer on July 7 I went through an actual wedding ceremony in Quito Ecuador so after all those years I now have a wedding ring ( sliver coated nail) and a marriage certificate.  Even though I have considered God my husband all the years that ring I wear every day and that certificate have brought me to a new level of relationship. It was a timing thing, I might not understand it all but i know it is true.

Tomorrow the writing conference will start with out me. I really thought I was to be there but now I know that was not what God had in mind. I also know that what God has in mind will be far greater than I can imagine.  God's timing is everything.  God is good and His mercy endures forever.

God's blessing to all the published and would be published authors as they learn and grow in St. Louis. My spirit goes out to you.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I know your thinking 'What does trust have to do with writing?' My answer is everything.

Today I had to go to Ord to get my son-in-law's medication. It is a beautiful day for a road trip. Ord is about fifty miles from Broken Bow so round trip takes a couple of hours. Today it was just me and God and it was awesome. I don't seem to get as much alone time with Him as I need but today was wonderful. It is harvest time in Nebraska. The fields are golden and the trees are changing colors.  God does some of His best work in the fall. Seed time and harvest is God's idea, how great is that.  God assured me the whole trip that it is harvest time.  All I have to do is trust. I am a giver now it is time to harvest.

Last week was really a hard one. I felt like I was attacked everywhere I turned.  God had really been blessing me so I should have been ready to be attacked but I was ambushed. God is good and I am well and life looks much better.  All I have to do is trust in God, He is in control and his timing is right on.

I'm not sure about what is coming in the future but I know that God and I can handle it. I also know that I will probably write about it in the near future.  God is good and His mercy endures for ever.

Do you have trust issues?  Are you able to sit back and watch God move or are you always trying to take control?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Next Step

This has been an unusual week.  I have been hit with several unforeseen events because of that I will be unable to go to the conference.  I am truly heartbroken not to get to go.  Alas there will be other conferences and life goes on.
My youngest daughter was bipolar and throughout most of her thirty-four years she would take one step forward and then take two steps back.  That is how I feel today.  Maybe it is only two steps forward and one step back but I don't seem to be going any where.
My daughter went to be with Jesus in May and is no longer struggling with her race but she has taught me a lot. God is good and His mercy endures forever.  No matter how things look or feels He is right there with us. Some times He holds my hands, sometimes He gives me a shoulder to cry on, and some times he picks me up and carries me but I always know He is there.  God is good all the time.
I hope this is an encouragement to you and helps you with your journey.
Do you ever feel like you go one step forward and two steps back?
Do you ever feel like you can't go on?
Is what God is asking you to do so big you are overwhelmed?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Badge

I have had several questions and comments on my badge that I posted on my blog and on my facebook page.  So I will explain it to you today.

I recently went on a mission trip to Quito Ecuador. On that mission trip there were two wonderful ladies that are published writers. They took me under their wings and they have helped me a great deal.  One of their first suggestions was to join a writer's group. I took their advice and joined ACFW.  I am very new in that group and they have just recently started a new contest.  The contest is for new members that have just recently put the end on a manuscript. You can send in your finished manuscript and it will be entered into the contest. There will be a winner next year and the price will be a trip to the conference.  I sent in my latest manuscript, 'Little Girl Taken' and they awarded my The End Badge to place where ever I want.  I love the badge and I am happy to answer your questions.  God is so good and His mercy endures forever. 

Monday, September 12, 2011


I know that I have titled this blog a Journey to Publication but today I want to write about the anniversary of 9/11. Yesterday the whole nation remembered this day in history. A day that changed like as we knew it.  I didn't lose anyone to this disaster but it changed my life forever.

 I came from a military background; my father fought in the second world war and Korea, my husband fought in Viet Naum, my brothers fought in Desert storm, my son fought in Iraq and Iran and now my grandson and step grandson are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. My family was changed forever.

I want to pay honor to those who have died that we might be free. I want to honor those who have lost loved ones in the 9/11 disaster and the war that followed.  I am able to write because they gave their lives and I will never forget that. "No greater love than this than to lay down your life for your brother."  Thank you!

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Journey begins

Five years ago God told me he wanted me to write a book.  I said "Yeah right" I had no idea how to do that.  two days later at a garage sale there was a box of books, the one on top said "How to write a novel" coincidence I don't think so... I asked the lady what the book cost she told me I could just have the whole box. She just wanted to get rid of them.  Imagine my surprise when I found the box contained twelve books on writing.  God is good and He has a great sense of humor.

I thought fine I could write some cute fluff love story and all would be great, right? My first story ended up being about my own testimony of emotional, verbal, and physical abuse by the hands of my father and later a husband that tried to kill me. Needless to say it was not a fluffy little love story but it did help heal my heart after almost forty years of pain.

I have now written five books all are fiction and are to help women learn there is life after abuse. God wants to heal us and make us new. This has now become my ministry and I love to speak to women about hope and healing.

Three months ago I was unaware of the whole publishing business. Oh I had sent in my manuscripts to publishing houses on the internet but I had no idea about one sheets, queries, or book proposal.  I went on a missions trip to Quito, Ecuador and met two of the nicest ladies in the world Marty Pieper and Jennie B. Jones.  Both women are published writers and they spent time with me offering me guidance. I told you God is good. I was just trying to do something good for him and He blessed me with these two sweethearts.

This blog is all about what I have learned in the last few months and what I will be learning. I pray you will come along for the ride. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.