Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, February 3, 2014

I'm Home!

My blog today is an update on my health. If you are one of my followers you probably noticed I didn't have a post last Friday. I was in the hospital. I finally got out yesterday. I had to miss church though. Honestly, I don't think I would have been able to sit through the service.

I shared with you that I had a bout with shingles in December. I am still plagued with nerve pain throughout my abdomen. Well, I started having intestinal issues. The pain became so unbearable that I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I hadn't been able to sleep in days. If I would have had a car I would have gone to the emergency room. My daughter took me to the doctor and she sent me to the hospital. I got to go through another CAT Scan, I had one on Monday.

Thursday I was really ill. I couldn't keep anything down and the pain was excruciating. I was suppose to go for an outpatient over night but they didn't let me go home until Sunday. I can't remember a time that I was so sick. Saturday I was finally allowed solid food. I hadn't eaten since Sunday. (I have lost weight)

I had an attack of diverticulitis plus complication that were viral. Now that I'm back home I woke up today with a yeast infection in my mouth so I'm back to not being able to eat. I think I made the devil mad when I started witnessing to everyone I met. But I can assure you I'm not finished witnessing. He just made me mad.

God bless you all and I will talk to you on Wednesday.

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