Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, September 23, 2013

Warning Signs by Katy Lee

My book review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, Warning Signs by Katy Lee. I really enjoyed this book. It is well written and action packed. I especially liked her main characters. Both were flawed and carried a lot of baggage but together they found God had a plan. He always does have a plan we take the time to listen to Him.

Guilty until proven innocent, that is the theory of the Police as they send for DEA Agent Owen Mathews to investigate the new high school principle. Drugs are being smuggled into the town and Owens friend believes that as she and her interpreter, the only new people in town must be the ones who are bringing the drugs in. Since Owen has a deaf son and knows sign language he will be able to catch this pair without their knowledge.

Miriam Hunter came home to try to find a place for herself. She has spent her life trying to overcome her hearing impairment but the town refuses to accept her. They accuse her of smuggling in drugs when pot is found in her office. Who could hate her this much? Why were the dreams she had as a child coming back to torment her?

A great intrigue, I know you will love it. you can get it through Love Inspired, Amazon, or most book stores. God bless you all and have a great week.

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