Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Writer's View Two

I have been struggling with my craft. I have not had any formal training so sometimes I am totally out of my element. This group have helped me so much. A year ago I didn't know that there was a POV, a passive voice, or show and don't tell. Thanks to these authors that take the time to help people like me, I have learned a great deal. They have two new questions each week and then all the members send there answers and examples. I enjoy it immensely. So I want to thank all of the members.

This weeks question was; "What book has helped you the most with your writing?"  I now have a three page list of books that will help me grow and improve. Then they asked about websites, so now I have a list of those to help me. God is so good! He gives us what we need when we need it. I just give Him praise. I am so blessed. He is so good to me.

Thank you all for following me in my journey. God told me Sunday that He would open doors for me, where there seemed to be no doors, and no man would be able to shut them. Like I said God is so good to me. God bless you. I know there are people who think when I write God bless you, they misunderstand and think I do it as a ritual. When I bless you, then God blesses me, it is like love the more you give it away the more you get and I love to be blessed so God bless you.

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