Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Her Longed-For Family by Jo Ann Brown

My review today is on the Love Inspired Historical, Her Longed-For Family. This is the third book in the Matchmaking Babies. I really enjoyed this book and I'm sure you will too. The story is well written, heartwarming, and full of faith. I liked the characters even though they were complicated but then aren't we all?

Lord Warrick recently received the title from an uncle he had never met. The uncle had left his home and his mine in dangerous disrepair. Jacob is doing everything in his power to make the mine safe and care for the workers and their families. He had been in a serious accident years ago that caused the death of his fiancee, and couldn't bear the thought of being responsible for another person's death. He receives a letter telling him his family is coming to visit in one months time. His step mother is bring a woman to be his bride. Jacob panics the house is literally falling down around his ears. He has no desire to marry but if his step mother sees this house he will try to force a marriage. He goes to the neighbor and begs her to help him fix up his home and help him with his etiquette.

Lady Caroline Trelawney Dowling is a widow. Childless she now lives with her family. There was a boat of six abandoned children found on the water; Caroline takes two of the littlest ones and the others were taken by her family. Thrilled she is now a mother if only for a short time, Caroline had been told she wouldn't have children of her own, now she feels fulfilled. She enjoys helping Jacob with his home and his manners but is drawn to him. Unable to give him an heir she tries to pull away from him.

A journey of two broken-hearted people struggling to fulfill their obligations. Neither want to marry because of their baggage from the past. God has a plan and it's beyond their hopes and dreams. God has a plan for you too and it's much better than you have dreamed of. Give God control and watch what He can do in your crisis. Have faith in God, He loves you!

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