Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, January 13, 2020

Amish Country Kidnapping by Mary Alford

My review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, Amish Country Kidnapping. I really enjoy Mary's work. This is a great example of her books. It's well written, action packed and full of faith. I know you are going to love it.
Amish widow Rachel Albrecht woke to find a man standing over her. His hand over her nose and face.
She manages to get away from the man thinking only of her sister. When she entered her sister's room it is empty. She's been taken. She runs barefooted through the woods to the neighbors. A car stops to help her. Her rescuer is her first love, an Englischer.
Deputy Sheriff Noah Warren couldn't believe his eyes. Standing before him on the road was the only woman who had stolen his heart. She stood in her nightgown, barefooted on the icy road. "Are you hurt he asks," "I think they have my sister." she told him.
Thus starts a journey to find her sister Eva, stay one step ahead of the kidnappers, and not fall in love again. God has a plan for these two, a plan for a hope and a future. God has a plan for you too. Give Him you heart and watch Him move in your life.

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