Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Lady of Conquest by Tamara Leigh

My review today is on the Medieval Romance, Lady of Conquest. This is a stand alone novel. I must say I really enjoyed the book. This story is well written, heat warming, and full of twists and turns. I know you are going to love it.
Saxon Rhiannyn of Etcheverry is caught  in the center of the rebellion of the Saxons and the Norman rule. She has lost all of her family and most of her people. As the Normans take over the rule of Etcheverry Rhiannyn is betrothed to Saxon Edwin. Now Thomas has taken her as his betrothed and Edwin has become a bandit driven to the woods. Rhiannyn tries to escape and a return to Edwin and her people. Thomas is severely wounded. Rhiannyn stays with him and holds him as he dies cursing her. She is taken back to the castle. Soon she escapes again and is saved by a monk the turns out to be Thomas' brother. Why is she drawn to this man when he blames her for his brother's death.
Maxen has dedicated his life to God. He is trying to appease God after all the horror of the war. He is contacted that his brother has been killed and he must avenge his death. He renounces his vows and returns to find a beautiful young woman who claimes to have killed his brother. He couldn't believe this little woman could kill his knighted brother. He is entranced when she doesn't try to seduce him but stands up to him with her all her might. She is selfless and caring toward his people.
A journey of these two thrown together by circumstances. They struggle with the Saxon Edwin and his people, Mazen's family, and the king and his men. God has a plan for these two, a plan for a hope and a future. God has a plan for you too, give Him your heart and watch Him turn your life around.

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