Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, November 25, 2013


My post today will be different. I just have to take this opportunity to thank God for the marvelous things he is doing in my life and what he has done this last year. God is so good to me and my family. I must Praise Him and give Him all the glory. I don't understand how people can survive with out him in this world we live in today. I'm not saying I have all the answers and I'm not saying that my life is always easy and without opportunities to doubt or give up but it is so worth the effort.

First of all my grandson Paul got married. He and Kendra his wife gave me a new great granddaughter Kida. I moved out of my daughter Kellie's and for the first time in seven or eight years I am living alone. I love my new home, it is small and cosy. I have been able to decorate it however I want to. No matter how much they tell you it's your home too, it just doesn't feel that way. I still don't have a car but I found the Handibus and it takes me where I need to go.

Jeremy (Kellie's other son) and Timarie got married and are now expecting a baby in the spring. They aren't sure what it is yet but are both thrilled. Timarrie's two year old, Harmony, isn't sure about what's going on but she's practicing her maternal skills on her dolls and is become quite good at caring for them.

My granddaughter Kirstina and her husband Cole have recently given me a new great granddaughter, Elliot Nicole. She was born on my mother's birthday, I think that was so sweet of God to do that for me.

I just found out my other grandson Michael is going to be married in July. I haven't met Lisa yet but the family says it's a good fit.

I started a new book, I'm really excited about it. My best friend read my book, Little Girl Taken and said it really opened her eyes to the problem of human trafficking. This book is the second one in that series. I just pray for open doors to publish them. I just love the book.

My church has become one of the most important things in my life right now. We are having revival. In the last four weeks we have seen over a hundred people give their lives to Jesus. I have never been apart of such a move of God. The devil has attacked me in many ways but it hasn't stopped me from witnessing to others. I am more in love with Jesus than I have ever been in my life. I can hardly wait to see what will happen next.

God bless you all and don't forget to give God thanks.

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