Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

This Healing Journey by Misty M. Beller

My review today is on the Western, This Healing Journey. This is book seven in the Heart of the Mountains Series. I have loved this series and was so excited to get the next story. I really enjoyed visiting the former characters in the first couple of books. This story is well written, heartwarming, and full of drama. I know you are going to love it.
Ex-Calvary Soldier Nathaniel Peak has moved into a small shack but the land was good. He hasn't done much to the dirt floor, windowless cabin but is focused on getting cattle to make a go of it. He goes to his neighbors to see if he can help him. He introduces himself and asks if Reuben has  any cattle he is willing to sell. He tells him no but the other neighbor might. They agree to go there the next day. When other visitors show up Nathaniel goes home but returns the next day to go to the other neighbor's. He finds an older couple and a beautiful young woman at Reuben's home. The two men and the young woman go with him and help him pick out a dozen cows and a bull. They help him drive them home. Nathaniel comes home from working with the cattle to find a little Indian girl in his barn. The girl has got caught in a animal trap and her leg is badly injured. Nathaniel does what he can but goes to Reuben's for help. Reuben, his wife, (a nurse) Simeon Grant and his daughter, Hannah returns with him. Hannah keeps the child in her arms as they work on her leg. Reuben goes to Butte to get the doctor. The child becomes very sick and loses her leg. Someone comes and takes the child. Hannah follows the trail and soon Nathaniel catches up with her. Can they find the child?
Hannah Grant has come with her parents to find her father's first child. The boy was born premature with his twin sister. Simeon had not had anything and losing his wife at child birth left the twins with the childless couple who helped him. Reuben would now be thirty. Can they find him? Hannah has no hope of finding a husband in the valley where they live so she came hoping to find someone she could love. She falls in love with the child. The girl is stolen while she is outside chinking the cabin. An excellent tracker she takes off after the child. If the girl doesn't get the medicine she needs she will die.
A terrifying journey through the mountains of Montana. God has a plan for these two, a plan for a hope and a future. God has a plan for you too, a good plan and not for evil. Give Him your heart and watch Him move in your life.

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