Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Monday, June 10, 2024

Robin's Gift by Crystal M. M. Huntley

 My review today s on the Christian Novel, Robin's Gift. I come from an abusive marriage so I know that Jesus is the only answer to such pain and heart ache. I know what it takes to start over and yet having to deal with those inner demons. This is a beautiful story that will touch your heart.

Natalie struggled but survived an abusive home. She had two friends who were there for her. As soon as she was able, she left the pain and hurt to start over in another place. Her past haunted her even as she tried to start over. Would she ever be whole again. Natalie finds herself on a new path. A path toward healing.

Her two best friends search for her. They feel an urgency to find her. They will never give up in their quest. In spite of her past Natalie finds that life is worth living and that God loves her and holds her in the palm of His hand. He has never left her and is waiting with open arms. A beautiful story of the prodigal son (daughter) in the modern day world we live in. I know you are going to love this book. There is life after abuse, trauma, and pain. 

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