Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Explosive Trail by Terri Reed

 My review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, Explosive Trail. This is the third book in the continuity series Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit. I always enjoy these series especially since they are always written by my favorite LIS authors. Terri is one of my favorites. This story is well-written, action-packed, and full of faith. I know you are going to love this one. I highly recommend this series.

Northwest Pacific K-9 Unit Officer Willow Bates and her partner Star (an explosive and weapons sniffing dog) An explosion had gone off at the trailhead of another trail, she's now looking at other trailheads. She has just recently found out that she is pregnant so she is wearing a flack vest to cover her tiny unborn baby. Star alerts at a nearby trailhead. Please Lord no. Not another one She radioed for help. She is attacked and the device blew up.

FBI Agent Theo Bates entered the hospital he demanded, "Where is my wife?" No one was aware that he would soon be her ex-husband. The doctor assured her that she and the baby are fine. Baby! The doctor told him about twelve weeks. Their last time together. The bomber is out for revenge. Can he keep her and the baby safe?

An explosive journey. God has a plan for these two broken souls. He wants to bring them back together to give them hope and a future. God has a plan for you too. A good plan for peace and not for destruction. Give Him your heart and watch Him work in your life.

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