Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wilderness Sabotage by Heather Woodhaven

 Mt review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, Wilderness Sabotage. I always look forward to Heather's books. She does an awesome job on suspense. I'm thrilled when I get one in the mail. This one is well written, action packed, and full of drama. I know you are going to love it.

Journalist Jackie Dutton is investigating a report of sabotage on a construction sight in southern Idaho. She is in the area to be part of a wedding. She really needs this story as she is trying for a promotion. The foreman has already left and she is alone when she witnesses a murder. She hardly escapes on a snow mobile. hits a rock, and falls off a cliff. She is rescued by a park ranger who turns out to be her ex-boyfriend.

Park Ranger Shawn Burkett sees a ATV chasing a snow mobile as he turns to follow the vehicle it turns off. He sees the woman on the snow mobile go over the cliff. He must help her the branch won't hold her long. Rescuing her proves difficult as the murderer returns as he climbs down the cliff. Jackie is the woman he had loved, her father forced him to leave. Her father is a nature wilderness personality on TV and reality shows. Jackie, her brother and Shawn had been a part of that team at one time. They could beat this wilderness.

A Journey through the wilderness with killers coming for them at every turn. God has a plan for these two; a plan for a hope and a future. God has a plan for you too; a good plan and not for evil. Give Him your heart and watch Him turn things around for you.

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