Journey to New Heights

Journey to New Heights
We need a heart for the lost

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Christmas Hostage by Sharon Dunn

 My review today is on the Love Inspired Suspense, Christmas Hostage. I'm a big fan of Sharon's work so I'm always thrilled to receive one of her books in the mail. This is an amazing book and I know you are going to love it. It's well-written and action-packed, and you will love her characters.

Computer expert Laura Devin had been sent to the bank to go over the computer to beef up security. Several small town banks have been robbed. It soon becomes evident that a bank robbery is taking place. She manages to call 911 before they became aware of her presence. The robber who caught her didn't take the phone or shut it off but whispered everything was going to be okay. He had a gentle voice.

Undercover FBI Agent Hollis Pryce has been investigating the bank robberies for the last two years. Laura wasn't supposed to be there. Intel told the robbers only two women were to be in the bank, yet there were three. A new hire the teller told them. When the police arrive they take Laura a hostage. After she sees the leader's face Hollis had no choice but to break cover and risk all to save her life.

A dangerous journey through the Montana mountains to stay ahead of the criminal mastermind hunting them down. God has a plan for these two a plan for hope and a future. God has a plan for you too. A good plan for peace and not for destruction. Give Him your heart and watch Him move in your life even in this time of political unrest and chaos.

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